ICOMOS accreditations for key AHS staff
Our key staff have their ICOMOS accreditations, solidifying AHS as an industry leader.
The Australia International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) is a non-governmental, not-for-profit organisation that was formed in Australia in 1976 as an independent national committee of cultural heritage professionals, including conservation and restoration specialists.
Internationally, ICOMOS now has 10,489 individual members across 151 countries, 248 institutional members, 104 national committees and 30 international scientific committees. Each member is dedicated to using a mix of theory, methodology, and innovative science to promote the conservation and protection of built and archaeological heritage around the world.
Together, members work to preserve cultural heritage using the highest standards and latest techniques, across key areas such as buildings, historic cities, cultural landscapes and archaeological sites.
Members of ICOMOS are made up of experts from a range of disciplines, like archaeologists, architects, historians, anthropologists, engineers, and town planners.
There are varying degrees of membership for Australia ICOMOS both at a national and international level. In order to obtain your Full International Membership, a heritage professional must provide proof of expertise and outline the various roles and qualifications they have had working in heritage over the years.
Our Managing Director Benjamin Gall has been a member of the Australia ICOMOS for many years, and recently our Senior Heritage Consultant, Julia Pritchard, has gained her ICOMOS membership. Both Ben and Julia have extensive knowledge in Australian cultural heritage, both in built heritage and Aboriginal cultural heritage.
Julia and Ben are honoured to have been inducted into the ICOMOS ranks and more of AHS’s senior staff are also in the process of obtaining their memberships, highlighting our world-class experience here at AHS.
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